Monday 26 November 2012

Crafty Creatives Box 3

I really can't state how beautiful this box was. From the moment I opened it I was in awe of the contents (and had a very jealous house mate looking on in envy). The theme of this box was Gothic  and with many items included in it, a range of Gothic creations could be made from jewellery to the masquerade mask kit. 

Tuesday 20 November 2012

Glossybox October 2012

On the one hand this months’ Glossybox was great, but on the other it seemed to be a bit lacking.
The plus side of this box was the cleaning content that we got in it, mainly focused on the face for helping blemishes, which at the minute is an issue for me as with these colder days my eczema is flaring up. To top it off we also got a Yves Rocher lipstick, which is a gorgeous red colour and one which I will most certainly use.

The downside of this however is the fact that instead of the usual 5 products there were only 4 in this, so in a way even though the value of these products comes up to quite a bit it felt as if it was missing something.  I actually felt like digging in the black confetti filling of the box to make sure I hadn’t overlooked another product!

How do you rate your Glossybox?

Wednesday 12 September 2012

Golden Nation - Sleek Glory palette

Sleek Glory I-divine palette - £7.99

All over the UK people are in Olympic fever. It has been 64 years since the United Kingdom last hosted the Olympics and quite honestly we are still Olympic mad, even with both the Olympics and Paralympics ending a couple of days ago. With this Olympic fever running all around me I found the Sleek limited edition palette the other day on one of my shopping trips and immediately knew I had to have it. I am a huge fan of the Sleek make-up range (I am determined to have every one of their palettes) and this palette is a nice little edition.

The colour names are all based around the London from the olympics with the 3 medal colours to the other colours named after different stations in the Underground, and every one of the colours I personally feel are of a high quality and very pigmented. The colours are all a beautiful shades and can easily blend into each other as well as being very easy to apply and last all day. Let’s keep our proud nations Olympic fever going for just that little bit longer!

What was your Olympic style?

Tuesday 21 August 2012

New blog? Oh right....

I’m Kimmi, I live in the UK, in Chester to be specific which is where I attend university. My course is completely different to anything in this blog as I study Forensic Biology, the gory really doesn’t bother me, in fact crimes interest me completely, how and why people will do them, with the giant puzzle of finding out who actually has done the crime. I love all the people in my life, and have some of the best friends in the world I could ever want, whom I completely cherish. I’m a friendly person who people have said they can get on with well, so if you do fancy a chat I would love to hear from you, either by e-mail or you can tweet me.

I love many things in life; cooking and baking, beauty, fashion, crafts, Disney cartoons, fencing (the sport, not putting up a garden fence!), dancing, listening to music, watching dvds, swimming, drinking lots of tea, a lovely glass of wine, catching up with tv shows, duvet days, being with my friends,  playing video games, general nerdy things (I actually play Magic the Gathering, bet you didn’t see that coming!), I love anything shiny and glittery, I LOVE SHOES, There are so many things I love in life, but if I listed them all I’d be going on forever!

Anyway, this is my blog and I hope you all enjoy it, I will always appreciate comments and feedback for me to read and to improve my blog, so please don’t be a stranger!

Kimmi xx